My name is Berkley and I am a yellow labrador who was adopted after a career change from being a guide dog. I am now with a loving family and I have found a purpose in life, which is to help all my animal friends.
I also love to FLOP!!!
I love animals and wish that my human friends would treat cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys etc., as well as they treat me! I love my human family and friends, they are so good to me. They feed me, play with me, walk me and cuddle so tight, they would do anything to keep me safe and happy. So all I want to do is extend that same love and devotion humans have for animals like me to all animals by going VEGAN.
The benefits of going vegan is endless but protecting animals from harm is number one priority. It turns out going vegan is more than just eating a plant based diet (no animals products) but it also is a lifestyle of conscious decisions on shopping, living and eating.
Please read my book, "BerkleyTheGuru Saves The Day" and I hope it inspires you into action in your neighborhood.
Take the step and go VEGAN, you, me, the animals and the planet will thank you!